The Webmaster

Stefan Rosendahl (sole proprietor)

Travessa Henrique Bernardo Ramos, 11
8000-183 Faro

Telefone: +351 967 811 384

Tax identification number
189 223 634


©Stefan Rosendahl, Marta Marçal Gonçalves, unless otherwise stated.
Non-commercial use permitted on request.


The operator of this site assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided on these pages. Liability claims against the operator related to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are always excluded, provided that there is no proof of intentional failure or negligent behaviour by the operator.

The operator of this site expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer or to temporarily or permanently discontinue publication without notice.

In the case of direct or indirect references to third party websites (“hyperlinks”) that are outside the area of responsibility of the operator, responsibility would only come into force if the operator had previous knowledge of the content and if it was technically possible and reasonable to avoid the use of illegal content. The operator expressly declares that no illegal content was discernible on the linked pages at the time the link was created The operator has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of linked/connected pages.

The provider of the page to which reference is made is solely responsible for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and, in particular, for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information on that page, and not the one who merely refers to its publication through links.

The operator of this site therefore expressly distances himself from all existing content on all linked/connected pages that were changed after the link was created. This statement applies to all links and references established on our own website, as well as to third party entries in links, directories, blogs, mailing lists and all other forms of databases created by the operator to whose content an external access may be possible.

The operator of this site reserves the right not to publish blog contributions with offensive and/ or punishable content, as well as commercial advertising in the form of text, link or banner, and with images without reference to the source. The blog operator reserves the right to exclude entries and temporarily or completely revoke the right of use for individual users.

The user of the blog assumes full legal responsibility for the content published by him in the articles in terms of image, sound and writing. A violation of the law may lead to the withdrawal of the user’s rights of use. The blog operator operator reserves the right to take the legally necessary measures in this context.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is our policy to respect your privacy in relation to any information we collect from you on this website, and on other websites we own and operate.

We only ask for personal information when we really need it to provide you with a service. We do so by fair and legal means, with your knowledge and consent. We also inform you why we are collecting them and how they will be used.

We only ask for personal information when we really need it to provide you with a service. When we store data, we protect them within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.

We do not share personally identifiable information publicly or with third parties except as required by law.

Our website may have links to external websites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these websites and cannot accept responsibility for their respective privacy policies.

You are free to decline our request for personal information; please understand that in this case we may not be able to provide some of the services you want.

Continued use of our website will be considered as acceptance of our privacy and personal information practices. If you have any questions about how we handle user data and personal information, please contact us.

  • The Google AdSense service we use to serve advertising uses a DoubleClick cookie to serve more relevant ads across the web and limit the number of times a particular ad is shown to you.
  • For more information about Google AdSense, see the official AdSense privacy FAQs.
  • We may use ads to offset the costs of running this site and obtain funding for future developments. The behavioural advertising cookies used by this website are designed to ensure that you are provided with the most relevant advertisements whenever possible, anonymously tracking your interests and presenting similar things that may interest you.
  • Other partners may advertise on our website, and affiliate tracking cookies will simply allow us to see if our customers have accessed the website through one of their websites, so that we can credit them appropriately and, where applicable, allow our affiliate partners to eventually offer promotions.

User’s Commitment

The user undertakes to make proper use of the contents and information that this website offers, in particular:

A) Not engage in activities that are illegal or contrary to good faith and public order on the site;

B) Not to spread propaganda or contents of a discriminatory, racist, xenophobic nature, gambling, any kind of pornography, terrorism or human rights apologies, and similar content;

C) Not to cause damage to the physical (hardware) and logical (software) systems of our website, its suppliers or third parties, by introducing or disseminating computer viruses or any other hardware or software systems that are capable of causing the aforementioned damage.

This text was created and adapted using the Privacy Policy Generator and Terms of Use on